• a complete set of all of the currently published volumes of Inside Macintosh
• the Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines
• a set of Apple DocViewer collections of Inside Macintosh documents
• the Apple DocViewer application and documentation
• a set of aliases for all the files on the disk
• the SimpleText application program
This Read Me file describes the contents of each of the folders on the CD. There is also a DocViewer Read Me file in the DocViewer Folder. Even if you are familiar with Apple DocViewer, we suggest you read the DocViewer Read Me file to get the latest information about the DocViewer application and suggestions for optimizing its performance.
The pamphlet that comes with this CD provides a quick introduction to the features of Apple DocViewer and includes a list of keyboard equivalent commands.
To display and print the Inside Macintosh documents on this CD, you must have both bitmap and TrueType versions of the following fonts in your System Folder: Palatino, Helvetica, Courier, and Zapf Dingbats. We have included these fonts in the Apple DocViewer folder on this CD. If you are using System 6, you need to install the TrueType system extension, which is also in the Apple DocViewer Fonts folder.
Although the Apple DocViewer application can be run directly off the Inside Macintosh CD-ROM, we recommend you copy it to your local hard disk to improve performance. Apple DocViewer requires a memory partition of at least 2000 KB for use with the files on this CD.
Licensing Information
Be sure you read and accept the license agreement included in the package for this product before using this CD.
This Inside Macintosh CD-ROM is a single user product. As for any single user product, you may not make copies for anyone else or share it over a network. However, the Inside Macintosh CD-ROM is available for site licensing—terms are available that make it attractive for sites with as few as ten users. For information on the terms of this site license, contact:
Software Licensing Department
Apple Computer, Inc.
1 Infinite Loop, MS: 38-I
Cupertino, CA 95014
Telephone: 512/919-2645
Known Problems
The DocViewer Read Me file in the DocViewer folder lists known problems with DocViewer and suggests solutions. In addition to the items listed in that file, there is an undocumented limit to the size of a table of contents that DocViewer can copy into a collection file. The TOCs of two books on this CD exceed this limit: those books are Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox and Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities. If you attempt to copy the entire TOC of either of those books into a collection file, DocViewer will crash. However, you can copy any portion of their TOCs into a collection file. We have provided collections in the Collections folder that include these books: The Macintosh Toolbox collection includes More Macintosh Toolbox, the Operating System collection includes Operating System Utilities, and the All Inside Macintosh collection includes both books.
Getting Help
If you need help using the Apple DocViewer application or any other Apple product, call Apple Technical Support at 1-800-SOS-APPL (1-800-767-2775).
Contents of the Inside Macintosh CD-ROM
This CD includes the following folders:
Aliases - copy to your disk
The Aliases folder contains a complete set of aliases for all the files on the disk. You can use this list as a quick way to find any file. You can also copy any or all of these aliases to your hard disk, arrange them any way you like, and use them to open the files you use most frequently.
The folder Inside Macintosh X-Ref contains a general index and glossary for the entire suite of Inside Macintosh books, plus several specialized indexes and lists. Each index entry contains a book code for each set of pages and page ranges; for example, the entry Munger function Tx 5-21, 5-75 to 5-77 means that the function Munger is discussed on pages 5-21 and 5-75 through 5-77 of the book Inside Macintosh: Text. The book codes are listed at the bottom of each page of each index.
The X-Ref indexes are DocViewer text documents; unlike the document indexes you can open for each book on this CD, you cannot go automatically to a page by clicking on the entry in an X-Ref index. To go to a page listed in an X-Ref index entry, first identify the book referred to and open that book file. Then select Go To from the Navigation menu, enter the double-folio page number in the dialog box, and click the Go button. For example, if the index entry were MTb 7-41, you would open the file More Macintosh Toolbox, select the Go To menu item, and enter 7-41 in the dialog box.
The files in the X-Ref folder include
• General Index. An Apple DocViewer collection file containing a combined index for the entire set of Inside Macintosh books on this CD. Double-click the file to open it, expand the heading containing the letter range you are interested in, then double-click the letter of the alphabet for which you want to see the index. This index is for Inside Macintosh only; the Human Interface Guidelines and Apple DocViewer Guide are not included in this index.
• Index of Constants. An index of all the constants, enumerators, and flags that appear in Inside Macintosh.
• Index of Routines. An index of all the routines that appear in Inside Macintosh.
• Index of Field Names. An index of all the field names that appear in data structures and parameter blocks in Inside Macintosh. Some very common or insignificant names—such as reserved or data—have not been fully indexed.
• Result Codes. A list of all the result codes that appear in Inside Macintosh, with a brief description of the significance of each code. This file contains two tables. Table 1 lists the result codes alphabetically by their constants; Table 2, starting on page 35, lists the result codes according to their values.
• Glossary. The combined glossary for all Inside Macintosh books. Where more than one book had an entry for the same word, the entries were combined or included as alternate meanings, as appropriate.
This folder contains Apple DocViewer copies of every currently published volume of Inside Macintosh plus the Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. The books are arranged in functional groups.
To open any Inside Macintosh book, double-click the book file. You can then page through the book, use the book Table of Contents or Index, or use the Find or Query features of DocViewer to find the information you want.
The Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines tells you how to give your application an authentic Macintosh look and feel. You should read this book before designing any Macintosh application.
Note: You can improve the performance of any Apple DocViewer
document file by copying it to your local hard disk. Be
sure you also copy the corresponding .idx file to enable
the Query feature to work. The .idx files on the CD are
located in the same folder as the DocViewer document
files to which they apply. Scroll or enlarge the folder
window to bring the .idx files into view. You must place
the .idx file in the same folder as its corresponding book
file and at the same level in the folder.
This folder contains Apple DocViewer collections of Inside Macintosh books. A DocViewer collection contains all or portions of the tables of contents (TOCs) of one or more DocViewer documents. In addition to making it easy to find and open the sections that are in the collection, a collection allows you to use DocViewer’s Query feature to search for text through all the documents in the collection. You can also filter a collection to see only those TOC entries that contain the string you specify. See the Apple DocViewer User's Guide in the Apple DocViewer folder or the pamphlet that came with this CD for more information about DocViewer collections.
The file All Inside Macintosh contains the TOCs of all of the Inside Macintosh books. Other collections in this folder correspond to the functional groups of Inside Macintosh books in the Books folder on this CD, plus a collection of all the reference sections in all Inside Macintosh books.
You can copy these collections to your hard disk and modify them, or create your own DocViewer collections of books and parts of books.
Apple DocViewer
In addition to the Apple DocViewer application, this folder contains the Apple DocViewer User's Guide, a Read Me file, a questions and answers file, a set of fonts, and the DocViewer Apple Events Info folder.
The DocViewer Read Me file contains useful information about printing Inside Macintosh books, copying code and text from Inside Macintosh books, and solving problems that might occur while using the Apple DocViewer application. It also contains information about this release of the Apple DocViewer application.
The Apple Events Info folder contains information about the DocViewer Lookup Apple event. You can use this Apple event to send a message to DocViewer requesting that it open a particular document and display the page containing a specific heading.